Capitalism Isn’t a Modern Invention. It’s Medieval.

David Gordon

(Originally posted on

During the eighteenth century, capitalism in Europe “took off” in a way it had not done before, and as a result the West surpassed all other areas of the world in economic growth. What led to this transformation? Max Weber offers the most famous answer. In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905), he traces the new system to the Puritans. Before them, though there were rich merchants, substantial savings and investment by private individuals was unusual. The Puritans changed matters. They viewed the self-disciplined pursuit of wealth without indulgence in luxury consumption as a sign that God had predestined them to salvation. 

Continue reading “Capitalism Isn’t a Modern Invention. It’s Medieval.”

Why Big Business Ends up Supporting the Regime

Ryan McMaken

(Originally posted on

Policymakers know they hold immense power to regulate and punish firms that don’t play ball. Industry leaders know this too. So it’s likely both sides will indeed end up “playing ball.” 

Continue reading “Why Big Business Ends up Supporting the Regime”

How Cognitive Dissonance And Stockholm Syndrome Is Driving Our Love Of Globalism

Written By: Michael W. Howell
Senior Writer and Editor at Fighting the Tyranny
Nov 11, 2019

I am sure this is a topic you have encountered many times when discussing the paradigm shift in American politics that is taking place. As the transformation of the Republic starts to take on its new shape, in a “ready-or-not manner”, many are coming to terms with two main issues that have been holding back, both, society and personal growth – Cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome. In many aspects of our lives, the two are what led us to the failed policies and political system we operate under today. To some, the two are blurred and confused into one. Don’t let this happen to you because cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome are in fact separate cases.

Continue reading “How Cognitive Dissonance And Stockholm Syndrome Is Driving Our Love Of Globalism”

Anatomy of the Global Agenda

By Michael W. Howell
Staff Writer and Senior Editor at Fighting the Tyranny

During my time researching globalism from many different angles, from many different ideologies, one thing was constant. In order for globalism to take root and spread from the ideology to implementation phase, it would take the destruction of the middle-class using methods such as the Cloward-Piven’s strategy, the gradual taxing system from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, or the hidden works planned in the shadows by secret societies of the elite. The deeper I got into my research over the years the more convoluted the agenda would appear. Continue reading “Anatomy of the Global Agenda”

The Elite And Their Secret Societies

By Michael W. Howell
Staff Writer and Senior Editor at Fighting the Tyranny

“The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the risks which are cited to justify it.

“Even today, there is a little threat of opposing a secret society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in ensuring the future of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it, and there is great danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment – that I do not intend to allow to permit to the extent that it is in my control. Continue reading “The Elite And Their Secret Societies”

War Is A Racket

On this Veterans Day I am reminded of a saying made famous by United States Marine General Smedley Butler when he uttered the now infamous words, “war is a racket.” That is pretty strong words considering he is a two time Medal of Honor recipient. What would make a highly decorated and well respected General not only say those words, but write about this in a  a pamphlet as well? Could it be that he knew first hand the real reason of war? Absolutely so and he would make it his life’s work after his retirement to spread what he learned to the general public in hopes of ending warfare.

To understand his thoughts and his views we only need to look at who profits and who looses when it comes to war(s). The outcome, regardless who the “victors” are always leaves a deep impression on all those who fought in the war, on both sides. With many mental and physical side affects coming out of war to the service men and women that fight in them it is important that we make the decision to go to war right, justified, and legal.

Who Benefits From Wars 

This is the first question that needs to be addressed in determining the legality of war and the way we fight them. Really the answer is all around us and doesn’t take much to see. It is the Military Industrial Complex and those that are inside this organization. The Military Industrial Complex is a separate budget from the National Defense Budget and needs to be treated that way. What I mean by this is that is we can not keep supporting this organization in the disguise of national security. The corporations that make up this group are, but not limited to, G.E., Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, and several others. While wars are being fought by technological means today, make no mistake that these, and others, profits are astronomical. War allows them to try out their latest advancements in real world scenarios.

From drones to tanks to satellite technology we are seeing an increase in an arms race while perpetuating this “war on terrorism” that has plagued us since 9/11. Saudi Arabia who is one of our biggest allies in the middle east only behind Israel, is the world’s largest arms importer. They also are the biggest instigator of war and have little role in fighting these wars they help create.

America always seems to take the lead in all wars fought and suffer more casualties than the other countries fighting in the coalition. Backed by an all power Military Industrial Complex and a military system that has massed over 700 bases in over 130 countries, it is no surprise we take the wheel in these fights. This is what Eisenhower warned us of in his farewell speech, but we failed to heed to it. Now it is out of control with no end in sight, only expansion and little to no oversight.

All Wars Are Banker Wars  

Yes indeed the Military Industrial Complex and their toys are knee deep in wars, but let’s not forget about the real profiteers of wars. That is the banking system that funds both sides of all wars. Why would they do that is a question I have asked myself this over and over. The only real and logical answer is profit. See a recurring theme here? It’s not about freedom, protecting liberties, or even an outside threat. After all with such a huge and massive military budget and a military fleet that reaches into so many countries, how can being threatened really be a possibility?

To understand the bankers role when it comes to war is a complex and frustrating process. I know what you are thinking. Do I really believe the bankers starts and funds wars for the sole benefit of profit? The evidence only leads to one conclusion. Yes, i do and you would to with any amount of research into the facts and roles of bankers and war.

Bankers create money out of thin air, backed by nothing, and then loans out with interest to the governments of the world and sit back while we fight over the resources of the invaded countries in order to pay back this bogus loan in the first place. What is the bankers first step in a war torn country? To establish a central bank in order to “stabilize” the economy and to bring calm to a chaotic, collapsing currency. For examples of this see Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Bosnia, and even Germany to list a few. And I do mean a few. The House of Rothschild do not play or compromise when it comes to instituting their Central Banks in countries they want. A couple of countries in the Rothschild’s cross hairs are Russia, Syria, N. Korea and Cuba. What else do these countries have in common? They are at the heart of our fears and desires to go to war with.

Before we make that harsh decision let’s be rational about why we want to go to war in the first place and it shouldn’t be to grow central banks greed. To get to the heart of the problem we are told that they are a threat to our way of life and present a real danger to our democracy. That is the first problem and flaw I see. We are not a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic governed by the Constitution, not ordered by greedy bankers.

Next we really need to look at how they became a threat in the first place and it is by America, through Central Banks, funding their Civil Wars that had nothing to do with our freedom and liberties in the first place. It is then carried out by arming and training those same forces through our Military Industrial Complex. Yes, going back to the Mujaheddin, we armed, funded and trained the same group of people that later became the Taliban, then Al Qaeda, and now are the present day Isis forces we are at war with today. This is maddening and sick. When logic is applied we see that just by arresting the politicians that supported arming, funding, and training our enemies we would not need to go to foreign lands and be the aggressors and occupiers in the first place. The war on terrorism could be won without firing a shot, or at the very least few shots, by holding our own politicians feet to the fire by charging them with treason.

What Is The Real Solution 

As mentioned, we need to start at the local level with our own leadership before we go to enforce our will in other countries. This leads to blowback and generations of war and ultimately our men and women that pay the cost for the bankers greed and the Military Industrial Complex testing of their toys. We need to really examine our monetary system and realize it is just a fake as the celebrities we follow in Hollywood. Many have stated the return to the gold standard as the solution and many have come up with other means, but we really need to address our phony money.

Once we address this issue whether through an audit of the Fed, or my solution, an out right abolishment of the Fed, then we can turn to those that have been on the Federal Reserves teat for some time now and that is the growing, ever expanding Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower and others have warned and championed against. Yes we need a National Defense budget, but not a transfer of wealth of the American people to greedy corporations. This is nothing but corporate welfare and a protection of the corporations criminal activities.

In conclusion we can save the economy from over spending, save our military men and women’s lives, and reign in criminal activities by those who swore and oath to protect us, not sell us out to globalism and the bankers agendas. This will not be an easy fight or a quick fix. We need everyone in this fight. Our children and grand children are counting on our voice and actions. A saying I have, and it applies here is “the amount of tyranny you accept today is the amount of tyranny your children will live under tomorrow. Will we be the do nothing generation or will we be the generation that writes the history books?

Written by: Michael Howell

The Secret of the TPP Released, Brought to Light

The full text of the dreaded and mysterious TPP trade deal involving 12 countries and encompassing 40% of the world’s economy has officially been released. While little by little, part by part has trickled out like a slow leaky faucet, this is the first time the public has had the opportunity to read it in its entirety. Now the treaty is waiting ratification for the the interested countries. It covers the world’s labor, what has been said to be affordable medications, the environment, the safety of food and product safety, and much more corporate interest.

Ever since the leaky faucet has been dripping at a trickle pace, one of the questions many has had was how it would effect the internet among other issues. Many have said that the regulations are so strenuous that it would lead to internet censorship through heavy and broad copyright regulations. We defeated SOPA and CISPA and now we are facing much the same threat with the TPP treaty. To quote an article that I was reading earlier from truth out news it put it this way. “….. essentially what it does is it forces the United States’ broken copyright system on the rest of the world without expanding protections for freedom of speech and so-called ‘fair use,’ which are basically provisions that prevent copyright from being used to censor or take down legitimate content or criticism or political dissidence from the internet.”

Fair use is a statement that anyone with a social media account, YouTube account, and really anyone interested in sharing information is well aware of. Is this a way to suppress information the government, corporations, and those not “playing by the rules” are going to be using? That is a very real question and could lead to the ongoing attack on the first amendment and another way to calm fears of the corruption we are seeing today.

One of the fears, as far as the internet goes, it is will be used to prosecute and go after whistle blowers instead of protecting the acts of those that “see something, say something.” This is a multi fold problem that could even criminalize journalist using information they obtained from whistle blowers such as Ed Snowden and Bradley Manning. In these cases the information will be hidden and the truth can not be brought to light. That is against the grain of a Constitutional Republic which could be the very reason for this to be included in the TPP treaty. By including multiple countries it would extend the tyranny of the elite and bring prosecution to journalist seeking to expose the corruption.

Couple this aspect of the TPP with net neutrality and you could very easily take the internet out of the free people and have a genuine propaganda machine. Joesph Goebbels would of loved to of had this in his propaganda tool box. Complete and total control of not only the mainstream media but a deafening blow to alternative media as well. One swift blow, one swift silence to millions of voices.

This is really just one of the sickening parts of the TPP and I plan on talking about many other concerns once I have had time to digest and analyze the documents more. Just based on my initial research, some of my fears are now confirmed. Free speech is very important to a free society and we can not just turn that over to our elected politicians or more detrimental, a global agenda involving many nations.

Look for future articles about the TPP in the near future. If my research and the documents presented to us so far are this bad, then we really need to pick up our fight and make our voices not only known, but louder. Let your Senator and Representatives know how you feel. Something tells me they aren’t going to care, but this needs to be our first step.

Written by: Michael Howell

Listen To Me Now, Not Later

Written by Michael Howell
Staff writer and Senior Editor at Fighting the Tyranny

We are under a massive attack on our rights. This isn’t a theory and it’s not fear mongering. Look around you and think about all the new laws and regulations that are coming at us on every front. Internet regulations, socialized healthcare, Freedom Act, and the Federal Common Core Curriculum to name just a few. What about the expansion of bureaucracies? The N.S.A., T.S.A., Department of Education, Department of Energy, and Department of Homeland Security, once again, just to name a few. How about the expansion of wars either directly or through proxy countries. Everyone can sense that the winds of change are blowing and blowing in a very dangerous direction. Every freedom that past generations have fought for and unfortunately have died for, is under attack. We are living in a pivotal time that will ultimately define how history will be written. Our actions will not only define this generation but how future generations lives will be lived. In freedom, with individual sovereignty. or under oppression and tyranny. That will be our decision to make and time is running out. Continue reading “Listen To Me Now, Not Later”

G.M.O’s: Are They Really That Bad? You Bet They Are

We are what we eat. A clean body is a clean mind. These are sayings we all say, but how many actually believe it? I mean, really believe it? Base on our eating habits as a whole, I would have to say very few. Why is that? Is it out of convenience that we eat what we eat? Is it out of lack of knowledge that we eat what we eat? How about a blind trust in feeling that those who prepare our food know what’s best for us? I would say the answer to these questions is yes, and of course, there are many other reasons we consume what we consume. So what do we consume? Do we really know? And who produces, makes, and prepares our foods? This is where the story gets not only complicated, but strange. It’s pesticide companies, not farmers. At least on a large scale.

Before I continue let me expand on the last statement I made. No, not all food is made by pesticide companies and, yes, many farmers are still selling their foods that we consume, but the amount of food consumed by pesticide companies is alarming. Who are these companies that I keep referring to? And what is G.M.O’s? G.M.O.’s stand for genetically modified organism and play a large role in our food supply today.

Now to the companies that I have been talking about. I will list the main players in the field of genetically modified organisms. They include, but are not limited to, BASF (Germany), Bayer (Germany), Dupont (USA), Dow Chemical Company (USA), Syngenta (Switerland), and the most talked about, Monsanto (USA). What else do these companies have in common? They all also own the world’s seeds, pesticides, and biotechnology industry.

I could talk about each individual corporation, however, I want to focus on one specifically. And that is Monsanto. Monsanto has had a huge impact on the information out there regarding our food supply and their involvement to control the world’s food Industry. There is a lot of information I could write when it comes to Monsanto, but the one troubling fact that really has people scratching their heads is why is Monsanto, through the courts, trying to stop our food from being labeled? That really is troubling since we should have the right to know what we are putting in our bodies.

The research as it pertains to G.M.O.’s is often biased as it is conducted by the biotech industry itself and third party investigations into the harms of G.M.O.’s is never really taken serious or looked further into. Let’s think about that for a second. To use the old saying, that’s like the fox investigating the hen house. The research is often biased to fit the biotech’s wants and need and not the consumer’s right to eat healthy. Why so secretive?

Another argument about genetically modified organisms is the amount of chemicals that are used to produce these products as well as the “drift” of the product on other farmer’s crop. This has happened several times and in some instances has cost the affected farmer their entire crop – at the innocent farmer’s expense. This is where I wish the environmental police were on our side. Often times, through lobbyist, a blind eye is turned.

So many of the crops that fall in the G.M.O. category are designed to repel some weed killers like the carcinogenic Roundup. What this leads to is an increased amount of chemicals that the farmer has to use in order to maintain a G.M.O. crop. This presents a problem. Where does the chemical end up? It’s a common sense question and the answer is right in front of us. It ends up in the environment. This is a health risk to the farmer and his workers as well as the water supply, streams, and rivers the leaching of these chemical make their way to. Once again, the E.P.A. and other environmental groups are lobbied so hard that a blind eye is to often the result.

How about the insect or pest that the chemical itself is designed to treat? Well as we know, they build up over time an immunity to the chemical making the farmer have to use more product and in more ways. Only compounding the health risk to the workers and the environment as well. It is a ten fold problem with no real solution at hand due to lack of oversight.

How about the argument that we need G.M.O.’s to feed the world due to a rapid increase in world population? Well that sounds great! After all, we should feed the world. Everyone has a natural right to be feed, right? Using a saying I like to say, “slow down buckaroo.” The facts doesn’t support the claim that G.M.O.’s increase the world’s food supply. More like this is an excuse to try to get people on board with G.M.O.’s by tugging on their heart strings rather than using facts.

The evidence that G.M.O.’s produce a higher yield, or return simply isn’t true. Research has shown that the genetically modified crops results in little to no higher yield than conventional crops, but instead still present a much higher risk in environmental damage. That means that organic farming can produce about the same amount of yield with much less risk to not only the environment, but the workers as well. Anytime we can eliminate chemical use as it pertains to our food that we consume, we should.

So is there any risk to our health when we eat G.M.O.’s or is the only risk to the workers and environment? Yes, there are a numerous amount of risk to the individual consuming these foods. In my research of health risk one of the main risk that kept coming up was allergies. Allergic reactions typically are brought on by proteins. Nearly every transfer of genetic material from one host into a new one results in the creation of novel proteins. Genetic engineering can increase the levels of a naturally occurring allergen already present in a food or insert allergenic properties into a food that did not previously contain them.

How about the antibiotic resistance? One article I read put it like this. “Genetic engineers rely heavily on antibiotics to guide experiments. It works like this: Not all host cells will take up foreign genes, so engineers attach a trait for a particular type of antibiotic resistance to the gene they introduce into host cells. After they’ve introduced the gene into the cells, they douse all the cells with the antibiotic to see which ones survive. The surviving cells are antibiotic-resistant, and therefore engineers know they have taken up the foreign gene.”

This, too, is a multi-layered problem as it will add cost to health care, which is already under attack because of the amount of money it is costing to treat people today. So why compound the problem? I mean when our house is on fire, we don’t add more gas to it, right? Well here that is the exact scenario. To use another silly analogy, it’s like cutting off our right foot to save the left foot.

There are many many more risk that I will touch on in future articles as I am really trying to grasp this G.M.O. debate myself, but the science isn’t there to support the pro G.M.O. crowd. From every angle there is a risk with very little reward. I understand in today’s busy life that convenience, and other factors play a large role in how we eat and what we eat, but it’s time to slow down and get this science and information correct. Corporations are playing a large role in our lives already. We don’t need them to take over our health at the expense of our busy lives. It’s time to understand what these biotech companies are doing to us and their agenda behind it. So far in my research the biotech companies are wanting complete control over the world’s food supply. That on any level is a loss for all of us.

I will be writing more on this topic and following the science very closely. What can we do? First, demand that our food is properly labeled and learn the science behind genetically modified organism. Always buy from local farmer markets when available. This will not only help you in buying truly organic foods, but will also support your local economy as well. A multi-layered solution there! Another thing we can do is find out where your Representatives and Senators stand on this issue and make your voice known. They are suppose to be our voice, but they depend on us to let them know how we feel. Finally, seek a physician that is aware of the risk and talk to them about an organic diet. Pick their brain and come up with a good nutritional diet that can eliminate or greatly reduce the amount of non organic foods you consume. Stay away from processed foods.

We can also defeat this by using the free market. Stop buying non organic foods and hit the biotech companies where it really hurts them – their wallets. This also includes reducing the amount of times we eat out. Like I stated, I understand we are living in busy times, but we need to learn beneficial eating habits and understand what we are eating. This is a topic that I will be writing more about in the coming weeks and I will be trying, myself, to get on track to a healthier lifestyle.

Written by: Michael Howell